Saturday, February 20, 2016

Data Plan: Which is better? Globe Tattoo Home broadband or PLDT Home dsl?

Internet connection has probably become a must for all techie people out there. From young to old, from poor to rich. Almost everyone wants to get updated on whats trending online and whats latest on the news. Some just want to get their facebook status updated, watch youtube videos and more. Others just want to have internet to earn while doing their online jobs at the comfort of their homes.

That's probably one of the reasons why many opt to connect their computers to some wireless internet service providers to avail of their services. I will be writing about two of the most famous ISP (internet service providers) here in the Philippines using their cheapest and most affordable plans as a basis.


Globe has been very fast growing this past years and is often considered as one of the first options to make in regards to having an internet connection. It is popular by means that people often see their advertisements on television, tarps, internet, and billboards. It also offers plans that your budget can afford. Here are several to choose from from their Globe Tattoo Home broadband plans.

Globe internet tattoo broadband plans
Photo taken from Globe flyer


PLDT or Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company has been around ever since 1928. It is the largest telecommunications company in the Philippines to date. It offers a wide range of plans to choose from from their PLDT HOME dsl plans, with speeds that will surely justify with what you'll spend on the contract monthly.

PLDT home Dsl plans
Photo taken from PLDT website

Selecting either one of this ISP's plans will surely get you wired. But you may also need to know the pros and cons of each company's services to decide which is better. I have conducted a survey from a few people who had managed to have their computers hooked on these services.

  • Globe is everywhere - Meaning that almost all parts of the country has a tower. That means if you're in an area where other ISP's can't reach you, globe will be there to connect.
  • Easy installation fee payment - You get to choose one plan and pay the installment fee in three cuts. That means if your installation fee is 1000, you divide this by 3 and each divide will go together with your first monthly bills. Every now and then, there are also free installation promos so better keep your heads up.
  • Affordable plans - Globe offers affordable plans that gives you higher speeds in mbps (megabytes per second) compared to other ISP's offers.
  • Quick CI and installation - This is a plus for those people who needs to have internet installed asap. Installation is done after the CI which would take a maximum of 5-10 days depending on your area.
  • Free calls- Free calls to globe and TM using the landline phone provided
  • Free NDD - calls to any globe landline phones are free.
  • Problems with connection - This will occur if there's a storm approaching or if its raining. For some reason, the connection speed drops down to almost half.
  • Not so good support - Calling customer service can be a pain in the a**. Once connected to the automated system, it may take you years to get connected to a live person. And worst, the call might get disconnected while talking to one for "unknown" reasons and you have to call again.
  • Not getting what you paid for - If you paid for 3 mbps connections and you run a speedtest on your pc while hooking up the RJ45, you may see that it's not 3mbps at all. Some say they only get a max of 2-2.5 mbps for a 3mbps bill.
  • Outages - You get these a lot. And I mean a lot. And worst, if there are outages and your connections doesn't connect you at all, you will still be asked to pay for it. And again it may take a while to connect to their "customer service" to settle. Better go to their office instead.
  • Data capping - Once you reached the allocated data to use for a day or a month, you're internet will be throttled.



  • Well established - The company has been around ever since and is well tested through time.
  • Preferred to be used by companies - Huge companies use the internet connection to power their computers. Only opt for other ISP's as a back up.
  • Average connection -  Running a speedtest will show that if you paid for 2mbps, you will mostly get 1.98 or 1.94 as a download speed.
  • Stable -  Less outages compared to others
  • No data capping
  • Limited area coverage - Having this installed on your area can become a hassle if your area is out of reach from their main lines. So there's a good chance that it is unavailable for your area if you noticed that nobody has internet connection from them.
  • Customer service -  Well, its the same thing. Running through automated system will take years but customer support is average.
  • Plans - Some plans does offer 2 mbps for the same price as globe's 3mbps which is a downside. Plan 999 gives you 3mbps but you will be required to pay an additional for the telephone line which will add up for a total of P1,600 more or less.
  • Installation - If you inquired on how long the installation will take if ever you want to connect, 2-3 weeks time frame will be given to you.
  • Caller ID - Caller ID is not free after 1 month
  • NDD - long distance calls to other pldt land lines is free but you need to have this activated by showing a "proof of income".

Having your computer connected to one of these ISP's will insure that you stay connected online. But you will need to weigh things up depending on location, money and time that you need to get connected quickly. If there's a good feedback from people around your area, then go for the one that has the good feedback.

Working online - Pldt is best since there are minimal outages and you get almost the exact speed you paid for.
Social sites, youtube, online selling - Globe will definitely fit this since you will get mostly done using the internet speed, and you get free calls to globe and tm mobile phones.

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